Saturday, 18 May 2013


My good friend Vekked asked me if I would be willing to do a photoshoot with him.  He did some pretty HUGE things last year.. such as winning the Canadian DMC Championship for the second time.. Winning the World Title in the DMC World Supremecy Championships.. and Winning the World Title in the Technical category for the IDA Championships (International DJ Association).  Needless to say, I told him that I would be honored to take some photos of him.  Here are the results..


Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Rachel M

So I get this random message on facebook saying something along the lines of  "Hey Rix, I need some photos for this contest playboy is having.  Kris Sharpen recommended you.  Can you help me?"  I hadn't really shot in a while.. And.. well.. to be honest the girl was really cute.. so I said sure.  And later that same day we were shooting.  The shoot itself turned out really good.  Rachel is a REEAAALLY photogenic girl!! I was happy with the pictures... here's a few of my fav.


Thursday, 22 November 2012

Dana I

I've always wanted to take photos of Dana.  She just has this fun loving spirit about her.  So one day we were hanging out and I asked her if she wanted to take some pictures.  She made for an awesome model!!!  Here's the results

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Friday, 16 November 2012

Spencer B

So now that my studio stuff is set up I have more incentive to want to do shoots.  Today was totally random.  My good friend Kris Sharpen said he needed time to kill and was looking for someone to hang out with.  I told him to come over and let's take some photos.  At the same time Spencer was contacting him and he asked if Spencer could come along to do some shots for his portfolio.  I said sure.. Spence is a great guy.. I've shot him before!!!  So Spencer came over and we got to taking some photos. I really had fun playing with the light and shadows for this one!!

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Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Chelsey S

So.. it's definitely been a while since I've been shooting.  Over the past year I've wanted to get back into doing shoots.  This particular model happened to be a regular at my work and I decided to ask her one day if she would let me take her photos.  Well, Obviously she agreed otherwise I wouldn't be posting here.  So this was my first shoot in a while.  I'd like to give a big thanks to Chelsey for volunteering to let me take her photos :)

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Monday, 30 July 2012

Rachael K

Haven't been shooting in a while.  Just been really occupied with life and personal issues.  I've really been meaning to get back into shooting, I just haven't been able to set anything up.

So a friend of mine asked me if I could take some pictures of her.  Nothing serious.. just go out and find a nice location and take some pretty pictures.  Didn't set up any lighting and just used the natural light from the sun.. so really, it was a fairly quick shoot with minimal equipment, but it was definitely a lot of fun.  So without further adieu.. Miss Rachael K.

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