Why start a blog? I don't know. I suppose it may be to document my progress and growth as a photographer. It might be a way to show and display current photos I've done. It might even be just a way to express myself and vent. Whatever the reason may be, this blog is now officially on the internet.
Honestly I kind of think It might be a little late. I probably should have started this blog months ago. I am in no way shape or form a professional photographer; However, There has been lots of progress on my end as far as photography is concerned, mainly due to 2 photographers specifically. Steve Haining and Gustavo Gimenez have been a huge influence on me as a photographer over the past 10 months.
These two have helped me to learn different lighting techniques as well as post editing techniques. Steve has brought me along many different photo shoots from having fun taking a picture of my motorcycle to shooting Protest the Hero for universal. Gus has sat with me talking about photography up to some pretty crazy hours and helped me edit photos. I'd like to thank these 2 for their positive influence on me.
These are but a few of the photos from the past 10 months of photography
(Click on Pictures to see bigger version)
For more photos feel free to look up my facebook page "Pix by Rix Anthony"